QPAH’s Registered Music Therapists (RMTs) work with clients across the lifespan. We are a multi-disciplinary team and collaborate with other stakeholders to support our clients’ goals.
Music Therapy is defined by the Australian Music Therapy Association as “a research-based allied health profession in which music is used to actively support people as they aim to improve their health, functioning and wellbeing.”
Only Registered Music Therapists – university-trained, postgraduate professionals registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association – can conduct music therapy sessions.
Communication is a common goal addressed in Music Therapy. Music is both verbal and nonverbal, so clients can participate and develop skills, regardless of how they communicate.
Music Therapy is fun! Most people love music, are motivated by music and experience joy when making or listening to music. The very nature of music makes Music Therapy a positive experience.
However, music therapy is not all fun and games! It is grounded in neurologic research and our therapists are trained in how to use music to address needs in the following areas:
- Cognition
- Sensorimotor
- Physical
- Communication
- Emotional regulation
- Behaviour regulation
- Social skills.

What happens during a Music Therapy session?
QPAH’s Music Therapy programs are developed specifically to meet the individual needs of each client.
This can include:
- Singing with the client while playing the piano or guitar
- Engaging in musical play through with percussion instruments
- Moving/dancing to music
- Song writing
- Using Key Word Signs, picture symbols (and other forms of Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC)), technology and other props (like puppets and books)
- Listening to music
- Making music in the moment together (improvisation).
Why Music Therapy?
QPAH is a multidisciplinary clinic. We see, first-hand, the benefits of regular communication between a client’s multiple therapists and other stakeholders involved in their care. Working from a collaborative approach is a fundamental part of our organisation.
We are often told by clients or parents, when asked, “why Music Therapy?” that, “I/my child just loves music” or “music is one of the only things that they respond to”. When a client responds to music, under the guidance of our qualified therapists, the potential they have to achieve their therapeutic goals is profound.
Providing therapy in a predictable environment suited to a client’s sensory needs is our top priority. We aim to help everyone feel secure, safe and calm. We do this by using music, adjusting the environment or lighting and providing equipment (e.g. tunnel, gym ball or trampoline) to meet their needs. When a client is regulated, then we move into addressing higher levels of functioning.
The benefits of music therapy flow from how music and its elements (beat, melody and rhythm) are processed by the brain. Our brains love rhythm, strong beats and patterns – they underpin most things we do, right down to our heartbeat. Music therapy can improve communication, cognition, motor skills, coordination, self-regulation and sensory integration – when supported by an RMT. The added (and arguably most important) benefit of music therapy it that it’s fun and brings joy to participants.
Our music therapy services are:
- Evidenced based
- Delivered by university qualified Registered Music Therapists
- Child and family-centred
- Inclusive
- Individualised to meet the unique needs of each client
- Working towards functional goals (in the areas of communication, cognition, motor skills, coordination, self-regulation and sensory integration)
- Fully funded for eligible NDIS participants
- Delivered through either individual or group programs
- Sometimes delivered as joint sessions with speech pathologists or occupational therapists
- Delivered from our main clinic in Southport.
Meet the Team
The QPAH music therapy team are all Registered Music Therapists who are registered with the Australian Music Therapy Association. They each have a recognised undergraduate or masters level qualification from an accredited University. Only Registered Music Therapists are permitted to provide Music Therapy services under the NDIS. QPAH’s team are committed to continuing professional development guided by the Australian Music Therapy Association (AMTA), while strictly adhering to the AMTA Code of Ethics.
We aim to create a safe, engaging and positive therapy environment and cultivate nurturing relationships. Our clients are supported to maximise their potential. Our team exemplifies the ultimate standard of professional practice.

Registered Music Therapist