speech therapy for children

Speech Therapy for Children and Adults – What Are the Benefits?

What are the benefits of Speech Therapy you ask? Well, that is a great question, my avid reader! Keep reading on to find out more about speech therapy for children and adults!

Benefits of Early Intervention Speech Therapy:

Research shows that early intervention is an effective and positive way in which to minimize the impacts of communication and feeding difficulties long term. As a child’s brain is still ‘plastic’ (flexible and developing) in the early stages of life, changes are more easily made and retained. This means that the child is supported right from the beginning of their life with the increased likelihood that their skills will improve to be in line with their peers.

Speech Therapy Benefits for Communication:

Literature advocates that Speech Therapy can benefit children and adults in the development of skills pertaining to:


  • Assistance with distorted sound
  • Teaching and development of delayed speech sounds
  • Support in remediating atypical speech patterns


  • Using evidence-based programs to decrease stuttering behaviors including:
  • Repetition of sounds, syllables, and words
  • Prolongations of sounds
  • Blocking


  • Information and education regarding vocal hygiene, environmental modifications, and exercises to achieve:
  • Increased breath support
  • Variety in pitch/prosody
  • Greater volume and intensity


  • Support in reading and writing
  • Guidance in phonological awareness
  • Rhyming
  • Alliteration
  • Segmenting
  • Blending
  • Identifying syllables

Assistive and Augmentative Communication (AAC)

  • Development and understanding of AAC to provide a functional form in which to communicate with family, friends, and new people at home and in the community.
  • Uses of aided and non-aided communication as the primary or supplementary form of communication through:
  • Keyword Sign
  • Picture Exchange Communication System
  • Devices
  • Touch
  • Switch
  • Eyegaze


  • Understanding
    • Instructions and directions
    • Meaning of words, sentences, and stories
    • Grammatical markers
    • Personal emotions and the emotions of those around them
  • Expression of
    • Wants, needs, thoughts, and ideas
    • Grammar and sentence structures
    • Development of play skills
    • Stories and use of appropriate story grammar structure

Social Skills

Research has also shown that Speech Therapy can benefit children and adults with their pragmatic skills (social skills). Speech Therapy can assist in developing these skills in one-on-one scenarios, with parents, carers, families, teachers, and education staff. These skills are worked on in everyday, real-life settings where skills such as social play, forming relationships, turn-taking in conversation, greetings, topic initiation/maintenance/termination, humour, figurative language, comprehending tone of voice, understanding other people’s viewpoints, and education about facial expression and body language can be supported and worked upon.

Speech Therapy Benefits for Feeding, Swallowing, and Mealtimes

  • Guidance in increasing mealtime variety
  • Improved sucking ability
  • Exercises to strengthen muscles in the mouth and face to achieve improved chewing and swallowing
  • Modifications to food and drinks for safer and more enjoyable mealtimes
  • Environmental modifications

If you feel that you, your child, a friend, or a family member could benefit from assistance in any of these areas above, please contact Queensland Paediatric Allied Health (QPAH) today – at your local Gold Coast Speech Therapy clinic. Queensland Paediatric Allied Health can provide you with in-person Speech Therapy services in Southport, Robina, and Tugun on the Gold Coast, in addition to home, kindergarten, and school visits as well as online telehealth appointments.

You no longer need to search the internet for “Speech Therapist for Kids Near Me” or “Gold Coast speech therapy for children”- because Queensland Paediatric Allied Health is right here for all of your needs! QPAH has a wonderful range of kind, patient, caring and evidence-based certified practicing speech therapists for kids and adults. We are sure to find the perfect speech therapist for you and your child!

For more information, head to our website: https://qpah.com.au or email us at info@qpah.com.au.

We look forward to meeting you very soon!

Written by Montana Nuvoli – Certified Practising Speech Pathologist

(MSpPath- Griffith University)


Email: info@qpah.com.au

Phone number: 07 5647 6120

120 Queen Street, Southport 4215